Well, the summer winds came blowing in! With the south winds brings lots of weed. When we have 19-21 mph out of the south it’s equal to 15- 17 mph out north. South looses wind density so there is no as much punch with all that humid sticky air. Did a downwind, upwind session to find some small wind swell for about 2.5 hours. Can’t count the amount of times I ate shit hitting weed. Then I figured out when the weed is up top on surface I come off foil so 3/4 of my mast is under water. That way when weed hits it as it slides down the mast it comes off from the movement. When the mast is too far out of the water, the hits the mast and then pins it self on my front foil wing. if I seed the weed low I go high…lol anyway this made my return way back upwind a lot easier and possible. So if the wind density is low and there is weed, any adjustments like this help your session! I imagine I am the only one in the Florida Keys who references weed in a bad way!
Will go again tomorrow, what will I learn by mistake then? #wingfoiling #wingboarding

Tropical storm...more weed!